Friction Stir Spot Welding
Friction Stir Spot Welding
OK process configuration
NOK process configuration
Process definition:
Friction Stir Spot Welding (FSpW) is a solid-state welding process for overlapping sheet metals in which a three-part tool, consisting of a rotating pin and sleeve and a non-rotating downholder, penetrates the sheets and stirs the material in such a way that a solid bond between them is formed. By refilling the material back into the joint zone, a smooth surface of the sheet compound can be restored.
overlap sheet joints with upper sheet sizes 0,5 mm … 3 mm
material combinations Al/Al, Mg/Al, Al/Fe, Mg/Fe, etc.
suitable for automotive, aeronautic, astronautic and railway applications
very good strength (fatigue, peeling, tensile shear, etc.)
high reproducibility of process
short welding cycles
different sheet metal thicknesses can be welded by the same tool with adapted welding programs
all advantages of friction welding also hold for FSpW
Above typical process runs are displayed. With the aid of the process simulation the tool design and process parameters can be discussed in advance of experimental study. The simulation is able to calculate:
the inner tool forces
the “refill” behavior
the stir profile of the joint
frictional heat generation
temperature, pressure, stress and deformation profiles of arbitrary locations within the sheets and tools