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virtua RFW R1.022 released!

The tool for rotary friction welding simulation virtua RFW is continuously improving and reached the release R1.022. We thank our customers for the numerous feedback and the help to let us to further enhance this tool. Some of the most important features of this update are:

  • Postprocessor GUI added, enabling a customized evaluation of the simulation results, including micrograph comparison plots, video animation rendering, field and history output plots, etc.

  • Abaqus *.inp and STL export functions are added enabling the further processing of the simulation results in CAE and CAD applications

  • Clamp modeling enhanced, incl. thermal contact, heat transfer and heat conduction

  • Solver application now supports a live-preview of the simulation results

  • Solver now supports axial force and torque load tests on the weld seam instantly calculating the stresses within the welded compound.


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